Safeguarding is everyones’ responsibility
If you suspect a child or young person is at immediate risk of harm, call the Police on 999
To make a report to social care after 5pm during the week or at the weekend please call the Local Authority emergency out-of-hours line:
Merton 0208 543 9750 / Croydon 0208 726 6400 / Lambeth 020 7926 5555 / Wandsworth 020 8871 6000 / Sutton 020 8770 5000
NSPCC 0808 800 5000
Childline (18 or under) 0800 1111
Link to report HERE
Mrs Simpson – Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Prevent Lead
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Please contact Mrs Simpson, the Designated Safeguarding Lead, to report safeguarding concerns, including extremism and radicalisation discuss worries or discover more about how the Academy safeguards students, parents/carers, and staff.
If you suspect a child or young person is at immediate risk of harm, call the Police on 999
To make a report to social care after 5pm during the week or at the weekend please call the Local Authority emergency out-of-hours line:
Merton 0208 543 9750 / Croydon 0208 726 6400 / Lambeth 020 7926 5555 / Wandsworth 020 8871 6000 / Sutton 020 8770 5000
NSPCC 0808 800 5000
Childline (18 or under) 0800 1111
Link to report HERE
The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) is: Ms Samad (Principal)
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The Safeguarding Team has four other members of staff:
The Safeguarding Team has four other members of staff:
Mr Semple Assistant Principal | Mr Holden Assistant Principal | Ms Forsyth SEND and Safeguarding Support Officer | Mr Stewart Pastoral Coordinator |
Other safeguarding contacts:
Designated teacher for LAC | Mrs. Simpson | 0208 623 5509 |
Harris Merton Prevent Lead | Mrs. Simpson | 0208 623 5509 |
Vice Principal / Designated Teacher for Mental Health and Well-being | Mr. Adair | 0208 623 5503 |
First Aid Lead | Mrs. Najeem | 0208 623 1000 |
School Nurse | Ms. Outterside | 07767 352 584 |
Attendance Officer | Mrs. Murphy | 0208 623 1000 |
Nominated Governor for Safeguarding | Mr. Joseph Keller | |
Chair of Governors | Mr. Aaron King | |
Safer Schools Police Officer (SSPO) | PC Dionne- Marie Le Blanc 1819SW and PC Mark Godwin-Coobs 1275SW | |
Merton Prevent Lead | Ms. E. Willis | |
Merton Prevent Officer | PC Kendrick | 0208 649 4038 |
Our safeguarding statement of intent
Harris Academy Merton is committed to providing a safe, secure, and respectful environment for all children, staff and visitors. We promote a child-centred approach to wellbeing and safeguarding, which ensures the individual rights and needs of the child are central to our decision making and actions. We foster an atmosphere of trust, respect, and security by providing a caring, safe, inclusive and stimulating environment; this promotes the social, moral, spiritual, cultural and physical development of all students.
We actively promote a climate in which children and adults are confident about sharing concerns about the wellbeing and safety of themselves or others. At Harris Academy Merton, we treat all matters of safeguarding and wellbeing in a sensitive, respectful, and professional manner. Staff at Harris Academy Merton are frequently trained in response and reporting procedures and are aware of the processes for making referrals to the Harris Academy Merton Safeguarding Team, Children’s Social Care, and the Police.