The Team
The DSL is:
Mrs Simpson (Assistant Principal, Learning Support)
02086231003 / 07718670894 /
The SENCo is:
Mrs Simpson
02086231003 / 07718670894 /
The SEND and Safeguarding Support Officer is:
Ms Forsyth
02086231000 /
SEN Consultant for the Harris Federation: Ms Karen Sitch
The SEND Governor: Mr. Aaron King, / 020 8623 1000
We have a team of internal teaching assistants and behaviour support staff.
We also work in partnership with an external team of therapeutic support staff including a Merton educational psychologist, a Merton speech and language therapist and a Merton targeted mental health in schools (TAMHs) Technician.
External agencies
Advice will always be sought from external agencies regarding strategies to best meet the specific needs of a student. This will only be undertaken after consultation with the parent and may include referral to:
- Speech and Language Service
- Educational Psychologist
- Autism and Sensory Support Team
- Hearing Impairment team
- Visual Impairment team
- Counselling Service
- Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service
- TAMHS clinician
- Social Services
- Youth Services
- Specialists in other Academies e.g. Teaching Schools, Special Schools