SEN & Disabilities
Contact us
Parent/Carer Learning Support Survey HERE.
Student Learning Support Survey HERE.
Who do I contact to discuss my child’s progress?
Please contact your child’s faculty assistant principal.
Assistant Principal - Red Faculty |
Ms. Neal |
Assistant Principal - Yellow Faculty |
Ms. Power |
Assistant Principal - Blue Faculty |
Mr. Semple |
Vice Principal & Assistant Principal - Green Faculty |
Mr. Henry |
Assistant Principal - Sixth Form |
Mr. Holden |
Who do I contact if I am concerned about SEND?
The SENCo is:
Mrs Simpson
02086231003 / 07718670894 /
Other Learning Support contacts are:
The SEND Support Officer is:
Ms Forysth
02086231000 /
The SEND Governor: Mr. Aaron King, / 020 8623 1000
First Aid Lead |
Mrs. Najeem |
0208 623 1000 |
School Nurse |
Ms. Outterside |
07767 352 584 |
Chair of Governors – responsibility for SEND |
Mr. Aaron King |
Complaints against Academy staff (except the Principal) should be made, in the first instance, to Mrs M. Gavin, PA to the Principal, via the Academy Office. Please mark as ‘Private and Confidential’.
Complaints that involve or are about the Principal should be addressed to the CEO’s Office via the Federation Head Office, 4th Floor Norfolk House, Wellesley Road, Croydon, CRO 1LH or email . Please mark as ‘Private and Confidential’.